Who Is Dr Bappaditya Mishra?
Hi I am, Dr Bappaditya mishra.
I am radiologist and specially interested in Invasive radiology.
Now I am studying in YSMU. If you need any help you can mail me in my e mail address- bappadityamishra@gmail.com
Oh yes I also love blogging.
Yeah it may seem odd for a doctor to blog regulary. But I think blooging is one of those good ideas to share with others. Some people love to write diary (me too) but diary writing kept your ideas in yourself but I love to share, so I started blogging. May be I am not good in writing but I try my best. My English writing skill not good but you should understand what i try to told. Just check my blog regularly for medical updates.
If you have any suggestion about this website drbappaditya really needs your help. Please mail me how to make this website better. And also vice versa , if you really needs help Just mail me- I hope I will reply within hours as I check mail regularly.